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December 2024

12/13/2024 - 12/13/2024

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Note:  Click an item for more details.


LocationLocation NameField/CourtAddress
H-HST  Holbrook High School Turf Field  245 South Franklin Street
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Chairs are not allowed on the turf.. Dogs are not allowed on school property. Water only on the turf, no sports drinks.
H-HST1  Holbrook High School Turf 1  245 South Franklin Street
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Chairs are not allowed on the turf.. Dogs are not allowed on school property. Water only on the turf, no sports drinks.
H-HST2  Holbrook High School Turf 2  245 South Franklin Street
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Chairs are not allowed on the turf.. Dogs are not allowed on school property. Water only on the turf, no sports drinks.
H-SJ3  Holbrook Sean Joyce Field Field 3 U10  143 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sean Joyce is field closest to St Joes Church.
H-SJ4  Holbrook Sean Joyce Field Field 4 U10  143 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sean Joyce is field closest to St Joes Church.
H-SJ3A  Holbrook Sean Joyce Field Field 3A U8  143 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sean Joyce is field closest to St Joes Church.
H-SJ3B  Holbrook Sean Joyce Field Field 3B U8  143 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sean Joyce is field closest to St Joes Church.
H-SJ4A  Holbrook Sean Joyce Field Field 4A U8  143 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sean Joyce is field closest to St Joes Church.
H-SJ4B  Holbrook Sean Joyce Field Field 4B U8  143 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sean Joyce is field closest to St Joes Church.
H-Su1  Holbrook Sumner Field Field 1 U10  95 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sumner is the field closest to the snack shack. Field 1 closest, Field 2 furthest away.
H-Su2  Holbrook Sumner Field Field 2 U10  95 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sumner is the field closest to the snack shack. Field 1 closest, Field 2 furthest away.
H-Su1A  Holbrook Sumner Field Field 1A U8  95 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sumner is the field closest to the snack shack. Field 1 closest, Field 2 furthest away.
H-Su1B  Holbrook Sumner Field Field 1B U8  95 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sumner is the field closest to the snack shack. Field 1 closest, Field 2 furthest away.
H-Su2A  Holbrook Sumner Field Field 2A U8  95 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sumner is the field closest to the snack shack. Field 1 closest, Field 2 furthest away.
H-Su2B  Holbrook Sumner Field Field 2B U8  95 S Franklin St
Holbrook,MA 02343
  Sumner is the field closest to the snack shack. Field 1 closest, Field 2 furthest away.