Grades PreK, K, 1, 2


  • The game is broken down into two 25-minute halves. There is a 5 minute halftime. Teams will only change ends at halftime. No scores or standings are kept for the in town recreational league.
  • Players should use a size 3 soccer ball.
  • There are 4 players plus a goalie on each side (5v5).
  • Prior to the game the referee will call the team over to check their shin guards and cleats. The referee will then call for captains who will call a coin toss to determine possession preferences or side preferences.
  • Uniforms-shirts should be tucked into their shorts, socks OVER shin guards and cleats tied tightly in double knots (to prevent unties). NO jewelry (earrings, necklaces, bracelets…), metal or plastic hair clips are allowed on the playing field. Band-aids or tape to cover earrings is not allowed.
  • The game starts with a kickoff in the center of the field. Team with possession can kick off in any direction. Opposing team must stay 10 yards back until the ball is kicked.
  • Out of bounds-
    • SIDE: The team that did not kick the ball out re-enters the ball with a throw-in from the sideline where the ball went out. The kids get as many chances as they need to throw the ball in correctly. Two hands overhead and both feet on the ground. If the throw-in is in the defensive end of the team throwing it in, the opposing team must retreat to their half of the field.
    • END: When the defensive team kicks the ball out of their own end, the offensive team re-enters the ball with a corner kick kicked from one of the corners (where the flag is – if present). If the offensive team kicks it out the opposition’s end, the defensive team re-enters the ball with a goal kick that is placed within 3 yards of the end line. Either a defender or a goalie may take the kick. Until the ball is kicked, the opposing team must retreat to their defensive half of the field to give the team taking the goal kick an opportunity to get the ball out of their end.
  • When a goal is scored, the game is re-started with a kick off by the non-scoring team from the center of the field in the same process as the starting kick-off.
  • At half time ball possession changes teams and teams change sides of the field.
  • After the goalie has made a save, she/he may re-enter the ball by either punting or throwing the ball. GKs may use their hands anywhere. No goal boxes are used in this division for in town rec. Try to direct them back towards the goal if they are obviously too far away from their own goal to use their hands. We want to encourage the GKs to learn to come out for the ball.
  • Substitutions may be made on any stoppage of play including free kicks, goal kicks, corner kicks, or throw ins. Referee must be told if a goalie is being changed.
  • There are NO direct free kicks in this division. This includes penalty kicks. All penalties (hand ball, push, trip, etc.) result in a free indirect kick (must touch another player before entering the goal to be counted as a goal). If the infraction occurred within the 14 yards of the goal, the ball should be brought back to 14 yards out from the goal and an indirect free kick awarded. There are no direct penalty kicks. Remember, many of the kids and perhaps even the coaches will not know the difference in kicks. Opposing players must stay back 8 yards when an indirect kick is awarded.
  • Slide Tackling is NOT allowed. Keep players on their feet.
  • In the case of an injury the child sits, the referee pauses the game and then the coach may enter the field. Each team may sub one player on an injury. The ball is restarted with a drop-ball where the referee drops the ball between two opposing players who then may kick the ball only after it has landed on the ground.
  • Safety is the number one concern when dealing with this age group. Referees should not be afraid to stop play at any time if they see a dangerous situation developing.
  • Remember, this is the first real game experience for these kids. If inappropriate, aggressive behavior is exhibited; the referee should speak with the individual involved. If this does not solve the problem, the referee should speak with the coach. The use of cards should be avoided if at all possible.
  • Referees should BLOW THEIR WHISTLES LOUD. These kids have a great deal of energy and the only way to get them to stop is with a loud, long whistle.
  • In the case of inclement weather a notice will be put on the homepage of the haysa.org website as soon as a call has been made. No notice means no change in plans and the games are still on. But check back before leaving for your game as this can change moment to moment.


  • The game is to be played for the enjoyment and safety of the PLAYERS. This division of soccer is recreational and instructional ONLY.
  • It is expected that coaches, parents and players respect every individual at the field.
  • It is expected that there be NO yelling at players, referees or coaches. Positive comments only.
  • If a team is winning the game by 5 or more goals, it is the responsibility of the winning coach to offer to the opposing team coach to place an extra player on the field or for the winning coach to remove a player from the field. Strategies should be used to avoid a slaughter. Strategies may include those listed above, i.e. remove player from field, add player to field and/or place stronger players in defensive position or in goal, instruct players to pass the ball three times before shooting on the goal.
  • Coaches and parents must stay off the field during the game unless a child is injured, then the COACH may enter the field.
  • Teaching the kids sportsmanship at this age will build the foundation for their future soccer experience. Players and coaches should always shake hands at the end of the game. Players and coaches should always thank the referee after the game. Teams should celebrate wins, but be cognizant of the other team. Remember, these are 6 and 7 year old kids.
  • Please report to your Gr 1/2 coordinator if you witness an unruly person at a game.




Grades 3, 4, 5, 6


  • The game is broken down into TWO 25-minute halves. Teams will change ends at halftime. No scores or standings are kept for the in town recreational league.
  • Players should use a size 4 soccer ball.
  • There are 5 players plus a goalie on each side (6v6).
  • Prior to the game the referee will call the team over to check their shin guards and cleats. The referee will then call for captains who will call a coin toss to determine possession preferences or side preferences.
  • Uniforms-shirts should be tucked into their shorts, socks OVER shin guards and cleats tied tightly in double knots (to prevent unties). We use the fall double sided shirts which are available for purchase during registration.
  • NO jewelry (earrings, necklaces, bracelets…), metal or plastic hair clips are allowed on the playing field. Band-aids or tape to cover earrings is not allowed.
  • The game starts with a kickoff in the center of the field. Team with possession must kick the ball forward over the centerline. Opposing team must stay 8 yards back until the ball is kicked.
  • Out of bounds-
    • SIDE: The team that did not kick the ball out re-enters the ball with a throw-in from the sideline where the ball went out. Feet must not leave the ground and both hands must hold the ball straight up over the head.
    • END: When the defensive team kicks the ball out of their own end, the offensive team re-enters the ball with a corner kick kicked from one of the corners (where the flag is – if present). If the offensive team kicks it out the opposition’s end, the defensive team re-enters the ball with a goal kick that is placed within 6 yards of the end line. Either a defender or a goalie may take the kick. Until the ball is kicked, the opposing team must retreat to their defensive half of the field to give the team taking the goal kick an opportunity to get the ball out of their end.
  • When a goal is scored, the game is re-started with a kick off by the non-scoring team from the center of the field in the same process as the starting kick-off.
  • At half time ball possession changes teams and teams change sides of the field.
  • After the goalie has made a save, she/he may re-enter the ball by either punting or throwing the ball, but may not punt the ball directly into the opponent’s half of the field in the air. If the ball does travel directly from a GK punt into the opposing half of the field without touching another player or the ground an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the kick off spot at midfield.
  • Substitutions may be made on either team’s throw-in, goal kick or any re-start kick off (half time or after a goal). Substitutions are not allowed on corner kicks. Referee must be told if a goalie is being changed.
  • There are no offsides in Grades 3 and 4. Offsides are called in Grades 5 and 6.
  • Opposing players must stay back 8 yards when an indirect or direct kick is awarded. Penalty kicks are taken from the top of the penalty box.
  • Slide Tackling is NOT allowed. Keep players on their feet.
  • In the case of an injury the child sits, the referee pauses the game and then the coach may enter the field. Each team may sub one player on an injury. The ball is restarted with a drop-ball where the referee drops the ball between two opposing players who then may kick the ball only after it has landed on the ground.
  • Safety is the number one concern when dealing with this age group. Referees should not be afraid to stop play at any time if they see a dangerous situation developing.
  • In the case of inclement weather a notice will be put on the homepage of the haysa.org website as soon as a call has been made. No notice means no change in plans and the games are still on. But check back before leaving for your game as this can change moment to moment.


  • The game is to be played for the enjoyment and safety of the PLAYERS. This division is recreational and instructional ONLY.
  • It is expected that coaches, parents and players respect every individual at the field.
  • It is expected that there be NO yelling at players, referees or coaches. Positive comments only.
  • If a team is winning the game by 5 or more goals, it is the responsibility of the winning coach to offer to the opposing team coach to place an extra player on the field or for the winning coach to remove a player from the field. Strategies should be used to avoid a slaughter. Strategies may include those listed above, i.e. remove player from field, add player to field and/or place stronger players in defensive position or in goal, instruct players to pass the ball three times before shooting on the goal.
  • Coaches and parents must stay off the field during the game unless a child is injured, then the COACH may enter the field.
  • Teaching the kids sportsmanship at this age will build the foundation for their future soccer experience. Players and coaches should always shake hands at the end of the game. Players and coaches should always thank the referee after the game. Teams should celebrate wins, but be cognizant of the other team. Remember, these are 8 and 9 year old kids.
  • Please report to your Gr 3/4 or Gr 5/6 coordinator if you witness an unruly person at a game.



Grades 3/4 play 7v7 in town travel. Grades 5/6 play 9v9 in town travel, and Grades 7 and up play 11v11.  This is recommended by US Youth Soccer.
You can see the rule modifications for travel soccer by visiting the 
South Shore Soccer League website.