HAYSA Soccer Programs - Spring 2023:

Mini Kickers - For those not yet in Kindergarten

  • Mini Kickers is a program focusing on the development of children ages 2 - 4 years old
    • Players should reach ages 2, 3, or 4 before September 1 of the current school year
  • We expect to start first weekend in April and run for 8 sessions
    •  There will be no training on Memorial Day Weekend
  • Limited to 76 players and this program will fill up
  • All training sessions are on the high school field
  • Each training session will run for 45 minutes
  • We try to group kids by age per recommendation of the coaches
  • Parents can recommend a specific group during the enrollment process
  • The program is outsourced by HAYSA to be run by professional coaches
  • ALL mini kickers receive a ball and a T-shirt at their first session of the season
  • Soccer Gear
    •  Shin Guards are required
    • Soccer cleats are recommended but optional
    • Sneakers are permitted

Town Recreation - For grades Prek - Grade 2

  • The Town Recreation Program involves weekly practices, weekly games and a season ending tournament
    • The Program is open to residents outside of Holbrook & Avon
    • Grade Levels are: Grade PreK- K, Grade 1/2
  • Each team will have a coach that sets up practices weekly
  • All games will be at the Holbrook High School turf on Sunday afternoons
  • We expect to start first weekend in April
    •  The season will run for 7 games 
    • There will be no games on Memorial Day Weekend or Easter Weekend
  • The season will culminate with the Season ending tournament
  • Soccer Gear

    • Enrollees will receive a jersey regardless of grade
    • Jerseys are given to players at the field week 1 & week 2 of the season
    • Soccer cleats (not spikes) are required
    • Shin guards are required
    • Grades K and 1/2 - Size 3 soccer ball
    • No jewelry allowed while playing, earrings must be removed.

Travel - For grades 3 - PG

  • The Travel Program is a competitive program where our teams compete against teams for surrounding towns
  • Games will be on Saturday or Sunday afternoons
  • Home games for grades 3/4 to be played on Brookville
  • Home games for grades 5/6 and up to be played on the turf at Holbrook High
  • Tryouts are required for travel. Information on tryouts will be provided before the season.
  • Other Soccer Gear 

    • Soccer cleats (not spikes) are required 
    • Shin guards are required 
    • Grades 3/4 and 5/6 - Size 4 soccer ball 
    • Grades 7/8 and up - Size 5 soccer ball
    • No jewelry allowed while playing

If anyone is interested in coaching please contact us

The snack shack will be open until further notice. Bathrooms will be open and there will be hand sanitizer in each restroom and they will be cleaned often throughout the day.


TOPS (The Outreach Program for Soccer)

TOPS Soccer is a remarkable program for athletes with disabilities that are unable to participate in their local soccer programs. TOPS Soccer is run by Weymouth Youth Soccer (WYS). 

If interested, please register at https://reg.sportspilot.com/106682/leagues. Select "Begin Registration" (green icon) at the top.  The program is free and runs for 6 weekends.

The TOPS contact is Alley White, Alley513@gmail.com, 617-699-9087. You can also join the "Weymouth Youth Soccer TOPS" FaceBook group.


Hardship Fund

Holbrook Avon Youth Soccer Association is proud to announce the we have established a Hardship Fund for families in need of assistance. It is the policy of HAYSA that no child should be denied the opportunity to play soccer due to a family's financial situation. In these hard times in which families deal with financial difficulties due to a parent losing their job or having health concerns afffecting their ability to work, we wanted to establish a fund in which parents can request assistance in paying league fees. HAYSA is run 100% by volunteer effort. The requirement for accepting a Hardship Fund scholarship is at least 1 parent is required to volunteer during the soccer season. This may be as a coach, concessions, fundraising, field maintenance, etc. Failure to volunteer may result in forfeiture of this assistance.

How does this work?

The application is something that is handled with complete confidentiality. The request is mailed to the Treasurer of HAYSA. The parent simply fills out the form with basic information on the player/family and a brief description of the families particular financial needs. HAYSA requires that these requests are in by August 24th for the fall season and November 15 for the winter/spring season so decisions can be made before the season begins. We can not guarantee that we can grant all requests in full and may not be able to grant some at all. Our hope however, is that each request be met.

Once the Treasurer has decided who to grant money to and how much, the parent will be notified of the amount they will be given and how to register.

We have established an ability to grant funds, but do accept contributions to this fund both personally or by sponsors. If you know of a business that would like to help fund this program, please contact our Treasurer to discuss. If you have any other questions about this fund or need to ask if you think your situation is a good candidate, feel free to email Treasurer@haysa.org.

Hardship Application